| Adres: | Poort nummer: | Codering: |
1. SSL verbinding: | smtp.travelsmtp.com | 465 | SSL |
2. TLS of ongecodeerde verbinding: | smtp.travelsmtp.com | 587 | TLS of geen codering |
3. TLS of ongecodeerde verbinding: | smtp.travelsmtp.com | 2525 | TLS of geen codering |
4. Firewall / VPN proof: | smtp80.travelsmtp.com | 80 | TLS of geen codering |
5. Firewall / VPN proof: | smtp80.travelsmtp.com | 443 | SSL |
Account type: | Family | Small Business | Medium Business | Large Volume Plans |
E-mails per maand: | 1.000 | 3.000 | 6.000 | > 6.000 |
Prijs per jaar (excl. BTW): | € 16,50 | € 26,50 | € 57,50 | |
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